Monthly Meetings
OCAPA meets on the 3rd Saturday of each month at the Wickline United Methodist Church at 10:00 AM. VE testing is at 09:00 AM. Wickline United Methodist Church is located at 417 Mid America Boulevard, Midwest City, OK 73110. Wickline is located just south of Jarman Middle School.
On “Air Depot Boulevard”, go to “West Fairchild Drive” which is about two blocks
north of SE 29th & Air Depot (look for the Wickline street side sign and
Cinnabon/Scholtzsky’s); turn east on “West Fairchild Drive”; continue two blocks east; you will arrive at the west entrance to the Wickline parking lot; when you arrive, park, and enter through the double doors under the portico.
The meeting will be held in the Wickline fellowship hall.
OCAPA Net – Thursday
OCAPA hosts a net every Thursday night. Net meets every Thursday evening at 1930L on either the 146.82MHz (-) / PL 151.4, W5MEL repeater or the 147.21MHz (+) / PL 141.3, W5MEL repeater.
Weekly 6 Meter Net – KD5JSD Memorial – Monday
SCARS hosts the KD5JSD Memorial Net (In memory of KD5JSD John Sauer) every Monday evening at 20:00 local time. This net meets on 50.200 MHz USB. Everybody is encouraged to join this rag-chew net. Depending on propagation, occasionally some DX stations check-in. Join the fun if you have a Technician license or higher!
Weekly Oklahoma ARES DMR Night Net – Monday
Every Monday night there is an ARES DMR net on the Oklahoma Statewide DMR Talk Group (3140) at 20:15 Central Time to communicate statewide ARES information. This net is used to test the statewide talk group for emergency purposes. Typically, you will hear check-ins from across the state on this net, learn something about DMR, and hear any ARES updates. Frequently we have some out-of-state check-ins that join our group. Take a listen, and join the fun.
Weekly ARES VHF Net – Tuesday
Each Tuesday, at 20:00 CT, SCARS hosts the Cleveland County ARES traffic net on the SCARS repeater at 147.060 MHz +600 kHz offset, and a 141.3 Hz CTCSS tone required. Feel free to listen in, and join the net. This is a directed net, and check-ins are required for participation in the net. The main purpose of this net is to transfer any ARES information and to provide practice in using a controlled net. Emergency communications nets will follow the procedures and protocols used in this net. The backup repeater for this net is the W5OU repeater at 146.880 MHz +600 kHz offset, and no CTCSS tone is required.
Weekly 10 Meter Net – N5HZX Memorial – Wednesday
SCARS hosts the N5HZX Memorial Net (In memory of N5HZX Fred Goodwin) every Wednesday evening at 20:00 CT on 28.445 MHz USB. Everybody is encouraged to join this rag chew net. Depending on propagation, occasionally some DX stations check-in. The 10 meter net was chosen in that it is suitable for local, close-in contacts and allows some Technician licensees to get their feet wet on HF. Old or new, everybody with a Technician license or higher is encouraged to check-in!
Other Nets of Interest
Oklahoma ARES VoIP Net – Thursday
Every Thursday night there’s a VoIP ARES net on the Echolink Conference “WX_Talk” at 2115 CT. The purpose of this net is to communicate statewide ARES information and to test the use of the VoIP service for emergency purposes. Typically you’ll hear check-ins from across the state on this net. D-STAR reflector REF052B, Echolink, VHF repeaters, and even 3.900 MHz SSB stations can connect on this net. Take a listen, and check in to join the fun.
PAPA DMR Roundtable – Monday
Every Monday night at 2200 CT, the Pocket AutoPatch Association (PAPA) runs a roundtable on TG 3106. Take a listen, and check in to join the fun.
Brandmeister DMR Talk Group – Tuesday
Every Tuesday night at 1900 CT, the Brandmeister Talk Group happens on TG 3148. Take a listen, and check in to join the fun.
QCWA Sponsors: “Elmering” Net on 2 Meters – K5DLE Memorial – Tuesday
The Quarter Century Wireless Association, chapter 63, hosts the K5DLE Memorial Net (In memory of Gene Nailon K5DLE) every Tuesday evening at 1900 CT on 146.790 MHz -600 kHz offset, 100.0 Hz CTCSS tone. The Net Manager is Mike W5KSU, and this is a great place for new operators to ask questions and learn from those that have done this before.
This net is run by the Oklahoma City, Chapter 63 of the Quarter Century Wireless Association.
North America DMR Tech Net – Wednesday
Every Wednesday night at 1900 CT is the North America Tech Net on TG 93. Take a listen, and check in to join the fun.
Texas Statewide Net – Wednesday
Every Wednesday night at 1930 CT is the Texas Statewide Net on TG 3148. Take a listen, and check in to join the fun.
Brandmeister DMR TG 31089 – Thursday
TG 31089 Thursday 2130 CT.
Brandmeister Worldwide DMR Net – Saturday
Every Saturday there’s a Worldwide DMR net on Talkgroup 91, commonly called the Worldwide channel. This net operates at 1600 UTC (0900 CST/1000 CDT).