Welcome to the Oklahoma City Auto Patch Association (OCAPA) website. Our parent organization is the American Radio Relay League (ARRL). The OCAPA website provides useful information and links to information that can assist you in understanding Amateur (HAM) Radio in the Greater Oklahoma City area. While ARRL is over 100 years old, OCAPA can boast of having over 200 years of institutional knowledge contained in its membership! OCAPA and ARRL provide a deeper understanding of the Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) of modern communications. From Crystal Radio to satellite Digital communications reflected off the Moon! Whether you already have your “Ham” Radio operator’s License and want to team up with other Hams or are interested in getting your first Amateur “Ham” Radio license and want to look at what OCAPA can offer you, OCAPA can help you!
OCAPA also provides communication support for the National Memorial Marathon for the “Run to Remember” each year. OCAPA and its members are frequently called upon to provide communications support to other non-profit organizations. Community Service is an essential part of the OCAPA Mission statement.
As President of OCAPA, I look forward to continuing the efforts of the past presidents and bringing some new ideas to the table. The key to continued success is keeping the old members and bringing new members in. A vibrant agenda with lots of projects and presentations will be my platform. I ask you to join me in this endeavor and make OCAPA stand out in front of the others. If the website does not answer your question(s), I will be only too happy to help! Please contact me through the OCAPA link. If you think that what we do is something that would interest you, I invite you to come by, look it over and if you like it, become part of the Oklahoma City Auto Patch Association!
Sandi Teel, KI5CHP, President OCAPA